liquid dir(ccxt.liquid)






from pprint import pprint
import ccxt
import json





python ド標準関数 help

from pprint import pprint
import ccxt

Help on liquid in module ccxt.liquid object:

class liquid(
 |  liquid(config={})
 |  Base exchange class
 |  Method resolution order:
 |      liquid
 |      builtins.object
 |  Methods defined here:
 |  amountToPrecision = amount_to_precision(self, symbol, amount)
 |  buildOhlcvc = build_ohlcvc(self, trades, timeframe='1m', since=None, limit=None)
 |  calculateFee = calculate_fee(self, symbol, type, side, amount, price, takerOrMaker='taker', params={})
 |  cancelOrder = cancel_order(self, id, symbol=None, params={})
 |  cancelUnifiedOrder = cancel_unified_order(self, order, params={})
 |  cancel_order(self, id, symbol=None, params={})
 |  checkAddress = check_address(self, address)
 |  checkRequiredCredentials = check_required_credentials(self, error=True)
 |  checkRequiredDependencies = check_required_dependencies(self)
 |  commonCurrencyCode = common_currency_code(self, currency)
 |  convertOHLCVToTradingView = convert_ohlcv_to_trading_view(self, ohlcvs, t='t', o='o', h='h', l='l', c='c', v='v', ms=False)
 |  convertTradingViewToOHLCV = convert_trading_view_to_ohlcv(self, ohlcvs, t='t', o='o', h='h', l='l', c='c', v='v', ms=False)
 |  costToPrecision = cost_to_precision(self, symbol, cost)
 |  createLimitBuyOrder = create_limit_buy_order(self, symbol, amount, price=None, params={}) -> dict
 |  createLimitOrder = create_limit_order(self, symbol, side, amount, price=None, params={}) -> dict
 |  createLimitSellOrder = create_limit_sell_order(self, symbol, amount, price=None, params={}) -> dict
 |  createMarketBuyOrder = create_market_buy_order(self, symbol, amount, params={}) -> dict
 |  createMarketOrder = create_market_order(self, symbol, side, amount, price=None, params={}) -> dict
 |  createMarketSellOrder = create_market_sell_order(self, symbol, amount, params={}) -> dict
 |  createOrder = create_order(self, symbol, type, side, amount, price=None, params={})
 |  create_order(self, symbol, type, side, amount, price=None, params={})
 |  currencyId = currency_id(self, commonCode)
 |  currencyToPrecision = currency_to_precision(self, currency, fee)
 |  defineRestApi = define_rest_api(api, method_name, paths=[]) from builtins.type
 |  describe(self)
 |  editLimitBuyOrder = edit_limit_buy_order(self, id, symbol, *args)
 |  editLimitOrder = edit_limit_order(self, id, symbol, *args)
 |  editLimitSellOrder = edit_limit_sell_order(self, id, symbol, *args)
 |  editOrder = edit_order(self, id, symbol, type, side, amount, price=None, params={})
 |  edit_order(self, id, symbol, type, side, amount, price=None, params={})
 |  feeToPrecision = fee_to_precision(self, symbol, fee)
 |  fetchBalance = fetch_balance(self, params={})
 |  fetchBidsAsks = fetch_bids_asks(self, symbols=None, params={}) -> dict
 |  fetchClosedOrders = fetch_closed_orders(self, symbol=None, since=None, limit=None, params={})
 |  fetchCurrencies = fetch_currencies(self, params={})
 |  fetchDepositAddress = fetch_deposit_address(self, code=None, since=None, limit=None, params={})
 |  fetchDeposits = fetch_deposits(self, code=None, since=None, limit=None, params={})
 |  fetchFees = fetch_fees(self)
 |  fetchFreeBalance = fetch_free_balance(self, params={})
 |  fetchFundingFee = fetch_funding_fee(self, code, params={})
 |  fetchFundingFees = fetch_funding_fees(self, params={})
 |  fetchL2OrderBook = fetch_l2_order_book(self, symbol, limit=None, params={})
 |  fetchMarkets = fetch_markets(self, params={})
 |  fetchMyTrades = fetch_my_trades(self, symbol=None, since=None, limit=None, params={})
 |  fetchOHLCV = fetch_ohlcv(self, symbol, timeframe='1m', since=None, limit=None, params={})
 |  fetchOhlcvc = fetch_ohlcvc(self, symbol, timeframe='1m', since=None, limit=None, params={})
 |  fetchOpenOrders = fetch_open_orders(self, symbol=None, since=None, limit=None, params={})
 |  fetchOrder = fetch_order(self, id, symbol=None, params={})
 |  fetchOrderBook = fetch_order_book(self, symbol, limit=None, params={})
 |  fetchOrderStatus = fetch_order_status(self, id, symbol=None, params={})
 |  fetchOrderTrades = fetch_order_trades(self, id, symbol=None, params={})
 |  fetchOrders = fetch_orders(self, symbol=None, since=None, limit=None, params={})
 |  fetchPartialBalance = fetch_partial_balance(self, part, params={})
 |  fetchStatus = fetch_status(self, params={})
 |  fetchTicker = fetch_ticker(self, symbol, params={})
 |  fetchTickers = fetch_tickers(self, symbols=None, params={})
 |  fetchTotalBalance = fetch_total_balance(self, params={})
 |  fetchTrades = fetch_trades(self, symbol, since=None, limit=None, params={})
 |  fetchTradingFee = fetch_trading_fee(self, symbol, params={})
 |  fetchTradingFees = fetch_trading_fees(self, symbol, params={})
 |  fetchTransactions = fetch_transactions(self, code=None, since=None, limit=None, params={})
 |  fetchUnifiedOrder = fetch_unified_order(self, order, params={})
 |  fetchUsedBalance = fetch_used_balance(self, params={})
 |  fetchWithdrawals = fetch_withdrawals(self, code=None, since=None, limit=None, params={})
 |  fetch_balance(self, params={})
 |  fetch_closed_orders(self, symbol=None, since=None, limit=None, params={})
 |  fetch_currencies(self, params={})
 |  fetch_markets(self, params={})
 |  fetch_my_trades(self, symbol=None, since=None, limit=None, params={})
 |  fetch_open_orders(self, symbol=None, since=None, limit=None, params={})
 |  fetch_order(self, id, symbol=None, params={})
 |  fetch_order_book(self, symbol, limit=None, params={})
 |  fetch_orders(self, symbol=None, since=None, limit=None, params={})
 |  fetch_ticker(self, symbol, params={})
 |  fetch_tickers(self, symbols=None, params={})
 |  fetch_trades(self, symbol, since=None, limit=None, params={})
 |  filterByArray = filter_by_array(self, objects, key, values=None, indexed=True)
 |  filterByCurrencySinceLimit = filter_by_currency_since_limit(self, array, code=None, since=None, limit=None, tail=False)
 |  filterBySinceLimit = filter_by_since_limit(self, array, since=None, limit=None, key='timestamp', tail=False)
 |  filterBySymbol = filter_by_symbol(self, array, symbol=None)
 |  filterBySymbolSinceLimit = filter_by_symbol_since_limit(self, array, symbol=None, since=None, limit=None, tail=False)
 |  filterByValueSinceLimit = filter_by_value_since_limit(self, array, field, value=None, since=None, limit=None, key='timestamp', tail=False)
 |  findBroadlyMatchedKey = find_broadly_matched_key(self, broad, string)
 |  handleErrors = handle_errors(self, code, reason, url, method, headers, body, response, requestHeaders, requestBody)
 |  handleHttpStatusCode = handle_http_status_code(self, http_status_code, http_status_text, url, method, body)
 |  handle_errors(self, code, reason, url, method, headers, body, response, requestHeaders, requestBody)
 |  isTextResponse = is_text_response(self, headers)
 |  loadAccounts = load_accounts(self, reload=False, params={})
 |  loadFees = load_fees(self, reload=False)
 |  loadMarkets = load_markets(self, reload=False, params={})
 |  loadTradingLimits = load_trading_limits(self, symbols=None, reload=False, params={})
 |  marketId = market_id(self, symbol)
 |  marketIds = market_ids(self, symbols)
 |  nonce(self)
 |  onRestResponse = on_rest_response(self, code, reason, url, method, response_headers, response_body, request_headers, request_body)
 |  parseBalance = parse_balance(self, balance)
 |  parseBidAsk = parse_bid_ask(self, bidask, price_key=0, amount_key=0)
 |  parseBidsAsks = parse_bids_asks(self, bidasks, price_key=0, amount_key=1)
 |  parseJson = parse_json(self, http_response)
 |  parseLedger = parse_ledger(self, data, currency=None, since=None, limit=None, params={})
 |  parseOHLCV = parse_ohlcv(self, ohlcv, market=None)
 |  parseOhlcvs = parse_ohlcvs(self, ohlcvs, market=None, timeframe='1m', since=None, limit=None)
 |  parseOrder = parse_order(self, order, market=None)
 |  parseOrderBook = parse_order_book(self, orderbook, timestamp=None, bids_key='bids', asks_key='asks', price_key=0, amount_key=1)
 |  parseOrderStatus = parse_order_status(self, status)
 |  parseOrders = parse_orders(self, orders, market=None, since=None, limit=None, params={})
 |  parseTicker = parse_ticker(self, ticker, market=None)
 |  parseTrade = parse_trade(self, trade, market=None)
 |  parseTrades = parse_trades(self, trades, market=None, since=None, limit=None, params={})
 |  parseTradingViewOHLCV = parse_trading_view_ohlcv(self, ohlcvs, market=None, timeframe='1m', since=None, limit=None)
 |  parseTransaction = parse_transaction(self, transaction, currency=None)
 |  parseTransactionStatus = parse_transaction_status(self, status)
 |  parseTransactions = parse_transactions(self, transactions, currency=None, since=None, limit=None, params={})
 |  parse_order(self, order, market=None)
 |  parse_order_status(self, status)
 |  parse_ticker(self, ticker, market=None)
 |  parse_trade(self, trade, market=None)
 |  parse_transaction(self, transaction, currency=None)
 |  parse_transaction_status(self, status)
 |  precisionFromString = precision_from_string(self, string)
 |  prepareRequestHeaders = prepare_request_headers(self, headers=None)
 |  priceToPrecision = price_to_precision(self, symbol, price)
 |  privateGetAccounts = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privateGetAccountsBalance = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privateGetAccountsCurrencyReservedBalanceDetails = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privateGetAccountsId = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privateGetAccountsMainAsset = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privateGetCryptoAccounts = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privateGetCryptoWithdrawals = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privateGetExecutionsMe = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privateGetFiatAccounts = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privateGetFundInfos = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privateGetLoanBids = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privateGetLoans = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privateGetOrders = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privateGetOrdersId = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privateGetOrdersIdTrades = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privateGetTrades = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privateGetTradesIdLoans = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privateGetTradingAccounts = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privateGetTradingAccountsId = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privateGetTransactions = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privateGetWithdrawals = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privatePostCryptoWithdrawals = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privatePostFiatAccounts = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privatePostFundInfos = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privatePostLoanBids = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privatePostOrders = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privatePostWithdrawals = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privatePutCryptoWithdrawalIdCancel = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privatePutLoanBidsIdClose = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privatePutLoansId = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privatePutOrdersId = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privatePutOrdersIdCancel = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privatePutTradesCloseAll = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privatePutTradesId = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privatePutTradesIdAdjustMargin = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privatePutTradesIdClose = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privatePutTradingAccountsId = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  privatePutWithdrawalsIdCancel = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_get_accounts = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_get_accounts_balance = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_get_accounts_currency_reserved_balance_details = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_get_accounts_id = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_get_accounts_main_asset = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_get_crypto_accounts = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_get_crypto_withdrawals = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_get_executions_me = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_get_fiat_accounts = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_get_fund_infos = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_get_loan_bids = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_get_loans = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_get_orders = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_get_orders_id = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_get_orders_id_trades = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_get_trades = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_get_trades_id_loans = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_get_trading_accounts = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_get_trading_accounts_id = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_get_transactions = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_get_withdrawals = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_post_crypto_withdrawals = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_post_fiat_accounts = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_post_fund_infos = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_post_loan_bids = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_post_orders = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_post_withdrawals = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_put_crypto_withdrawal_id_cancel = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_put_loan_bids_id_close = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_put_loans_id = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_put_orders_id = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_put_orders_id_cancel = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_put_trades_close_all = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_put_trades_id = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_put_trades_id_adjust_margin = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_put_trades_id_close = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_put_trading_accounts_id = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  private_put_withdrawals_id_cancel = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  publicGetCurrencies = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  publicGetExecutions = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  publicGetFees = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  publicGetIrLaddersCurrency = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  publicGetProducts = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  publicGetProductsId = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  publicGetProductsIdPriceLevels = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  public_get_currencies = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  public_get_executions = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  public_get_fees = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  public_get_ir_ladders_currency = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  public_get_products = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  public_get_products_id = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  public_get_products_id_price_levels = request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  safeCurrency = safe_currency(self, currency_id, currency=None)
 |  safeCurrencyCode = safe_currency_code(self, currency_id, currency=None)
 |  safeMarket = safe_market(self, marketId, market=None, delimiter=None)
 |  safeSymbol = safe_symbol(self, marketId, market=None, delimiter=None)
 |  setHeaders = set_headers(self, headers)
 |  setMarkets = set_markets(self, markets, currencies=None)
 |  setSandboxMode = set_sandbox_mode(self, enabled)
 |  sign(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |  signMessageString = sign_message_string(self, message, privateKey)
 |  throwBroadlyMatchedException = throw_broadly_matched_exception(self, broad, string, message)
 |  throwExactlyMatchedException = throw_exactly_matched_exception(self, exact, string, message)
 |  withdraw(self, code, amount, address, tag=None, params={})
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Methods inherited from
 |  __del__(self)
 |  __init__(self, config={})
 |      Initialize self.  See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.
 |  __repr__(self)
 |      Return repr(self).
 |  __str__(self)
 |      Return str(self).
 |  account(self)
 |  amount_to_precision(self, symbol, amount)
 |  build_ohlcvc(self, trades, timeframe='1m', since=None, limit=None)
 |  calculate_fee(self, symbol, type, side, amount, price, takerOrMaker='taker', params={})
 |  cancel_unified_order(self, order, params={})
 |  check_address(self, address)
 |      Checks an address is not the same character repeated or an empty sequence
 |  check_required_credentials(self, error=True)
 |  check_required_dependencies(self)
 |  common_currency_code(self, currency)
 |  convert_ohlcv_to_trading_view(self, ohlcvs, t='t', o='o', h='h', l='l', c='c', v='v', ms=False)
 |  convert_trading_view_to_ohlcv(self, ohlcvs, t='t', o='o', h='h', l='l', c='c', v='v', ms=False)
 |  cost_to_precision(self, symbol, cost)
 |  create_limit_buy_order(self, symbol, amount, price=None, params={}) -> dict
 |  create_limit_order(self, symbol, side, amount, price=None, params={}) -> dict
 |  create_limit_sell_order(self, symbol, amount, price=None, params={}) -> dict
 |  create_market_buy_order(self, symbol, amount, params={}) -> dict
 |  create_market_order(self, symbol, side, amount, price=None, params={}) -> dict
 |  create_market_sell_order(self, symbol, amount, params={}) -> dict
 |  currency(self, code)
 |  currency_id(self, commonCode)
 |  currency_to_precision(self, currency, fee)
 |  edit_limit_buy_order(self, id, symbol, *args)
 |  edit_limit_order(self, id, symbol, *args)
 |  edit_limit_sell_order(self, id, symbol, *args)
 |  fee_to_precision(self, symbol, fee)
 |  fetch(self, url, method='GET', headers=None, body=None)
 |      Perform a HTTP request and return decoded JSON data
 |  fetch2(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      A better wrapper over request for deferred signing
 |  fetch_bids_asks(self, symbols=None, params={}) -> dict
 |  fetch_deposit_address(self, code=None, since=None, limit=None, params={})
 |  fetch_deposits(self, code=None, since=None, limit=None, params={})
 |  fetch_fees(self)
 |  fetch_free_balance(self, params={})
 |  fetch_funding_fee(self, code, params={})
 |  fetch_funding_fees(self, params={})
 |  fetch_l2_order_book(self, symbol, limit=None, params={})
 |  fetch_ohlcv(self, symbol, timeframe='1m', since=None, limit=None, params={})
 |  fetch_ohlcvc(self, symbol, timeframe='1m', since=None, limit=None, params={})
 |  fetch_order_status(self, id, symbol=None, params={})
 |  fetch_order_trades(self, id, symbol=None, params={})
 |  fetch_partial_balance(self, part, params={})
 |  fetch_status(self, params={})
 |  fetch_total_balance(self, params={})
 |  fetch_trading_fee(self, symbol, params={})
 |  fetch_trading_fees(self, symbol, params={})
 |  fetch_transactions(self, code=None, since=None, limit=None, params={})
 |  fetch_unified_order(self, order, params={})
 |  fetch_used_balance(self, params={})
 |  fetch_withdrawals(self, code=None, since=None, limit=None, params={})
 |  filter_by_array(self, objects, key, values=None, indexed=True)
 |  filter_by_currency_since_limit(self, array, code=None, since=None, limit=None, tail=False)
 |  filter_by_since_limit(self, array, since=None, limit=None, key='timestamp', tail=False)
 |  filter_by_symbol(self, array, symbol=None)
 |  filter_by_symbol_since_limit(self, array, symbol=None, since=None, limit=None, tail=False)
 |  filter_by_value_since_limit(self, array, field, value=None, since=None, limit=None, key='timestamp', tail=False)
 |  find_broadly_matched_key(self, broad, string)
 |      A helper method for matching error strings exactly vs broadly
 |  handle_http_status_code(self, http_status_code, http_status_text, url, method, body)
 |  hashMessage(self, message)
 |  is_text_response(self, headers)
 |  load_accounts(self, reload=False, params={})
 |  load_fees(self, reload=False)
 |  load_markets(self, reload=False, params={})
 |  load_trading_limits(self, symbols=None, reload=False, params={})
 |  market(self, symbol)
 |  market_id(self, symbol)
 |  market_ids(self, symbols)
 |  oath(self)
 |  on_rest_response(self, code, reason, url, method, response_headers, response_body, request_headers, request_body)
 |  parse_balance(self, balance)
 |  parse_bid_ask(self, bidask, price_key=0, amount_key=0)
 |  parse_bids_asks(self, bidasks, price_key=0, amount_key=1)
 |  parse_json(self, http_response)
 |  parse_ledger(self, data, currency=None, since=None, limit=None, params={})
 |  parse_ohlcv(self, ohlcv, market=None)
 |  parse_ohlcvs(self, ohlcvs, market=None, timeframe='1m', since=None, limit=None)
 |  parse_order_book(self, orderbook, timestamp=None, bids_key='bids', asks_key='asks', price_key=0, amount_key=1)
 |  parse_orders(self, orders, market=None, since=None, limit=None, params={})
 |  parse_trades(self, trades, market=None, since=None, limit=None, params={})
 |  parse_trading_view_ohlcv(self, ohlcvs, market=None, timeframe='1m', since=None, limit=None)
 |  parse_transactions(self, transactions, currency=None, since=None, limit=None, params={})
 |  precision_from_string(self, string)
 |  prepare_request_headers(self, headers=None)
 |  price_to_precision(self, symbol, price)
 |  print(self, *args)
 |  privateKeyToAddress(self, privateKey)
 |  request(self, path, api='public', method='GET', params={}, headers=None, body=None)
 |      Exchange.request is the entry point for all generated methods
 |  safe_currency(self, currency_id, currency=None)
 |  safe_currency_code(self, currency_id, currency=None)
 |  safe_market(self, marketId, market=None, delimiter=None)
 |  safe_symbol(self, marketId, market=None, delimiter=None)
 |  set_headers(self, headers)
 |  set_markets(self, markets, currencies=None)
 |  set_sandbox_mode(self, enabled)
 |  signMessage(self, message, privateKey)
 |  sign_message_string(self, message, privateKey)
 |  sleep(self, milliseconds)
 |  soliditySha3(self, array)
 |  solidityTypes(self, array)
 |  solidityValues(self, array)
 |  throttle(self)
 |  throw_broadly_matched_exception(self, broad, string, message)
 |  throw_exactly_matched_exception(self, exact, string, message)
 |  vwap(self, baseVolume, quoteVolume)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Class methods inherited from
 |  define_rest_api(api, method_name, paths=[]) from builtins.type
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Static methods inherited from
 |  aggregate(bidasks)
 |  array_concat(a, b)
 |  base16_to_binary(s)
 |  base58_to_binary(s)
 |      encodes a base58 string to as a big endian integer
 |  base64_to_binary(s)
 |  base64_to_string(s)
 |  base64urlencode(s)
 |  binary_concat(*args)
 |  binary_concat_array(array)
 |  binary_to_base16(s)
 |  binary_to_base58(b)
 |  binary_to_base64(s)
 |  capitalize(string)
 |  decimal_to_bytes(n, endian='big')
 |      int.from_bytes and int.to_bytes don't work in python2
 |  decode(string)
 |  deep_extend(*args)
 |  dmy(timestamp, infix='-')
 |  ecdsa(request, secret, algorithm='p256', hash=None, fixed_length=False)
 |  eddsa(request, secret, curve='ed25519')
 |  encode(string)
 |  encode_uri_component(uri, safe="~()*!.'")
 |  extend(*args)
 |  extract_params(string)
 |  filterBy(array, key, value=None)
 |  filter_by(array, key, value=None)
 |  from_wei(amount, decimals=18)
 |  groupBy(array, key)
 |  group_by(array, key)
 |  gzip_deflate(response, text)
 |  has_web3()
 |  hash(request, algorithm='md5', digest='hex')
 |  hmac(request, secret, algorithm=<built-in function openssl_sha256>, digest='hex')
 |  implode_params(string, params)
 |  in_array(needle, haystack)
 |  index_by(array, key)
 |  integer_divide(a, b)
 |      # python supports arbitrarily big integers
 |  integer_modulo(a, b)
 |  integer_pow(a, b)
 |  is_empty(object)
 |  is_json_encoded_object(input)
 |  iso8601(timestamp=None)
 |  json(data, params=None)
 |  jwt(request, secret, alg='HS256')
 |  key_exists(dictionary, key)
 |  keysort(dictionary)
 |  microseconds()
 |  milliseconds()
 |  msec()
 |  number_to_be(n, size)
 |  number_to_le(n, size)
 |  omit(d, *args)
 |  ordered(array)
 |  parse8601(timestamp=None)
 |  parse_date(timestamp=None)
 |  parse_timeframe(timeframe)
 |  pluck(array, key)
 |  rawencode(params={})
 |  remove0x_prefix(value)
 |  rfc2616(self, timestamp=None)
 |  round_timeframe(timeframe, timestamp, direction=3)
 |  rsa(request, secret, alg='RS256')
 |  safe_either(method, dictionary, key1, key2, default_value=None)
 |      A helper-wrapper for the safe_value_2() family.
 |  safe_float(dictionary, key, default_value=None)
 |  safe_float_2(dictionary, key1, key2, default_value=None)
 |  safe_integer(dictionary, key, default_value=None)
 |  safe_integer_2(dictionary, key1, key2, default_value=None)
 |  safe_integer_product(dictionary, key, factor, default_value=None)
 |  safe_integer_product_2(dictionary, key1, key2, factor, default_value=None)
 |  safe_string(dictionary, key, default_value=None)
 |  safe_string_2(dictionary, key1, key2, default_value=None)
 |  safe_string_lower(dictionary, key, default_value=None)
 |  safe_string_lower_2(dictionary, key1, key2, default_value=None)
 |  safe_string_upper(dictionary, key, default_value=None)
 |  safe_string_upper_2(dictionary, key1, key2, default_value=None)
 |  safe_timestamp(dictionary, key, default_value=None)
 |  safe_timestamp_2(dictionary, key1, key2, default_value=None)
 |  safe_value(dictionary, key, default_value=None)
 |  safe_value_2(dictionary, key1, key2, default_value=None)
 |  sec()
 |  seconds()
 |  signHash(hash, privateKey)
 |  sort_by(array, key, descending=False)
 |  string_to_base64(s)
 |  strip(string)
 |  sum(*args)
 |  to_array(value)
 |  to_wei(amount, decimals=18)
 |  totp(key)
 |  truncate(num, precision=0)
 |      Deprecated, use decimal_to_precision instead
 |  truncate_to_string(num, precision=0)
 |      Deprecated, todo: remove references from subclasses
 |  unique(array)
 |  unjson(input)
 |  urlencode(params={}, doseq=False)
 |  urlencode_with_array_repeat(params={})
 |  usec()
 |  uuid()
 |  uuid22(length=22)
 |  uuidv1()
 |  ymd(timestamp, infix='-')
 |  ymdhms(timestamp, infix=' ')
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data descriptors inherited from
 |  __dict__
 |      dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
 |  __weakref__
 |      list of weak references to the object (if defined)
 |  ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 |  Data and other attributes inherited from
 |  accounts = None
 |  aiohttp_proxy = None
 |  aiohttp_trust_env = False
 |  api = None
 |  apiKey = ''
 |  asyncio_loop = None
 |  balance = None
 |  base58_alphabet = '123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrs...
 |  base58_decoder = None
 |  base58_encoder = None
 |  base_currencies = None
 |  certified = False
 |  commonCurrencies = {'BCC': 'BCH', 'BCHABC': 'BCH', 'BCHSV': 'BSV', 'DR...
 |  currencies = None
 |  currencies_by_id = None
 |  enableLastHttpResponse = True
 |  enableLastJsonResponse = True
 |  enableLastResponseHeaders = True
 |  enableRateLimit = False
 |  exceptions = None
 |  fees = {'funding': {'deposit': {}, 'withdraw': {}}, 'trading': {'perce...
 |  has = {'CORS': False, 'cancelAllOrders': False, 'cancelOrder': True, '...
 |  headers = None
 |  hostname = None
 |  httpExceptions = {'400': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.ExchangeNotAvailable...
 |  id = None
 |  ids = None
 |  lastRestPollTimestamp = 0
 |  lastRestRequestTimestamp = 0
 |  last_http_response = None
 |  last_json_response = None
 |  last_response_headers = None
 |  limits = {'amount': {'max': None, 'min': None}, 'cost': {'max': None, ...
 |  loaded_fees = {'funding': {'deposit': {}, 'withdraw': {}}, 'trading': ...
 |  logger = None
 |  markets = None
 |  marketsById = None
 |  markets_by_id = None
 |  minFundingAddressLength = 1
 |  myTrades = None
 |  name = None
 |  ohlcvs = None
 |  options = None
 |  orderbooks = None
 |  orders = None
 |  origin = '*'
 |  paddingMode = 5
 |  parseJsonResponse = True
 |  password = ''
 |  precision = None
 |  precisionMode = 2
 |  privateKey = ''
 |  pro = False
 |  proxies = None
 |  proxy = ''
 |  quote_currencies = None
 |  rateLimit = 2000
 |  rateLimitMaxTokens = 16
 |  rateLimitTokens = 16
 |  rateLimitUpdateTime = 0
 |  requiredCredentials = {'apiKey': True, 'login': False, 'password': Fal...
 |  requiresEddsa = False
 |  requiresWeb3 = False
 |  restPollerLoopIsRunning = False
 |  restRequestQueue = None
 |  secret = ''
 |  session = None
 |  status = {'eta': None, 'status': 'ok', 'updated': None, 'url': None}
 |  substituteCommonCurrencyCodes = True
 |  symbols = None
 |  tickers = None
 |  timeframes = None
 |  timeout = 10000
 |  token = ''
 |  trades = None
 |  transactions = None
 |  twofa = None
 |  uid = ''
 |  urls = None
 |  userAgent = None
 |  userAgents = {'chrome': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) App...
 |  verbose = False
 |  verify = True
 |  version = None
 |  walletAddress = ''
 |  web3 = None




from pprint import pprint
import inspect
import ccxt

[('__class__', <class 'ccxt.liquid.liquid'>),
 ('__del__', <bound method Exchange.__del__ of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <method-wrapper '__delattr__' of liquid object at 0x0000026C25DF3130>),
  {'aiohttpProxy': None,
   'aiohttpTrustEnv': False,
   'api': {'private': {'get': ['accounts',
                       'post': ['crypto_withdrawals',
                       'put': ['crypto_withdrawal/{id}/cancel',
           'public': {'get': ['currencies',
   'arrayConcat': <function Exchange.array_concat at 0x0000026C2638F280>,
   'asyncioLoop': None,
   'balance': {},
   'base16ToBinary': <function Exchange.base16_to_binary at 0x0000026C26396D30>,
   'base58Alphabet': '123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz',
   'base58Decoder': None,
   'base58Encoder': None,
   'base58ToBinary': <function Exchange.base58_to_binary at 0x0000026C263970D0>,
   'base64ToBinary': <function Exchange.base64_to_binary at 0x0000026C263905E0>,
   'base64ToString': <function Exchange.base64_to_string at 0x0000026C26390700>,
   'baseCurrencies': None,
   'binaryConcat': <function Exchange.binary_concat at 0x0000026C263903A0>,
   'binaryConcatArray': <function Exchange.binary_concat_array at 0x0000026C26390430>,
   'binaryToBase16': <function Exchange.binary_to_base16 at 0x0000026C26396DC0>,
   'binaryToBase58': <function Exchange.binary_to_base58 at 0x0000026C26397160>,
   'binaryToBase64': <function Exchange.binary_to_base64 at 0x0000026C26390550>,
   'commonCurrencies': {'BCC': 'BCH',
                        'BCHABC': 'BCH',
                        'BCHSV': 'BSV',
                        'DRK': 'DASH',
                        'HOT': 'HOT Token',
                        'MIOTA': 'IOTA',
                        'WIN': 'WCOIN',
                        'XBT': 'BTC'},
   'countries': ['JP', 'CN', 'TW'],
   'currencies': {},
   'currenciesById': None,
   'decimalToBytes': <function Exchange.decimal_to_bytes at 0x0000026C26396AF0>,
   'decimalToPrecision': <function decimal_to_precision at 0x0000026C25EA1160>,
   'decimal_to_precision': <function decimal_to_precision at 0x0000026C25EA1160>,
   'deepExtend': <function Exchange.deep_extend at 0x0000026C2638EE50>,
   'encodeUriComponent': <function Exchange.encode_uri_component at 0x0000026C2638F700>,
   'exceptions': {'API Authentication failed': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.AuthenticationError'>,
                  'API rate limit exceeded. Please retry after 300s': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.DDoSProtection'>,
                  'Can not update non-live order': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.OrderNotFound'>,
                  'Can not update partially filled order': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.InvalidOrder'>,
                  'Nonce is too small': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.InvalidNonce'>,
                  'Order not found': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.OrderNotFound'>,
                  'less_than_order_size': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.InvalidOrder'>,
                  'must_be_positive': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.InvalidOrder'>,
                  'not_enough_free_balance': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.InsufficientFunds'>,
                  'price_too_high': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.InvalidOrder'>,
                  'price_too_small': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.InvalidOrder'>},
   'extractParams': <function Exchange.extract_params at 0x0000026C2638F430>,
   'fees': {'funding': {'deposit': {}, 'withdraw': {}},
            'trading': {'maker': 0.0,
                        'percentage': True,
                        'taker': 0.0015,
                        'tierBased': True,
                        'tiers': {'perpetual': {'maker': [[0, 0.0],
                                                          [25000, 0.0],
                                                          [50000, -0.00025],
                                                          [100000, -0.00025],
                                                          [1000000, -0.00025],
                                                          [10000000, -0.00025],
                                                          [25000000, -0.00025],
                                                          [50000000, -0.00025],
                                                          [75000000, -0.00025],
                                                          [100000000, -0.00025],
                                                          [200000000, -0.00025],
                                                'taker': [[0, 0.0006],
                                                          [25000, 0.000575],
                                                          [50000, 0.00055],
                                                          [100000, 0.000525],
                                                          [1000000, 0.0005],
                                                          [10000000, 0.000475],
                                                          [25000000, 0.00045],
                                                          [50000000, 0.000425],
                                                          [75000000, 0.0004],
                                                          [100000000, 0.000375],
                                                          [200000000, 0.00035],
                                  'spot': {'maker': [[0, 0.0],
                                                     [10000, 0.0015],
                                                     [20000, 0.14],
                                                     [50000, 0.13],
                                                     [100000, 0.08],
                                                     [1000000, 0.0004],
                                                     [5000000, 0.00035],
                                                     [10000000, 0.00025],
                                                     [25000000, 0.0],
                                                     [50000000, 0.0],
                                                     [100000000, 0.0],
                                                     [200000000, 0.0]],
                                           'taker': [[0, 0.0015],
                                                     [10000, 0.0015],
                                                     [20000, 0.0014],
                                                     [50000, 0.0013],
                                                     [100000, 0.001],
                                                     [1000000, 0.0008],
                                                     [5000000, 0.0006],
                                                     [10000000, 0.0005],
                                                     [25000000, 0.0005],
                                                     [50000000, 0.00045],
                                                     [100000000, 0.0004],
                                                     [200000000, 0.0003]]}}}},
   'filterBy': <function Exchange.filter_by at 0x0000026C2638EEE0>,
   'fromWei': <function Exchange.from_wei at 0x0000026C26396430>,
   'groupBy': <function Exchange.group_by at 0x0000026C2638F040>,
   'gzipDeflate': <function Exchange.gzip_deflate at 0x0000026C2638C790>,
   'has': {'CORS': False,
           'cancelAllOrders': False,
           'cancelOrder': True,
           'cancelOrders': False,
           'createDepositAddress': False,
           'createLimitOrder': True,
           'createMarketOrder': True,
           'createOrder': True,
           'deposit': False,
           'editOrder': True,
           'fetchBalance': True,
           'fetchClosedOrders': True,
           'fetchCurrencies': True,
           'fetchDepositAddress': False,
           'fetchDeposits': False,
           'fetchFundingFee': False,
           'fetchFundingFees': False,
           'fetchL2OrderBook': True,
           'fetchLedger': False,
           'fetchMarkets': True,
           'fetchMyTrades': True,
           'fetchOHLCV': 'emulated',
           'fetchOpenOrders': True,
           'fetchOrder': True,
           'fetchOrderBook': True,
           'fetchOrderBooks': False,
           'fetchOrderTrades': False,
           'fetchOrders': True,
           'fetchStatus': 'emulated',
           'fetchTicker': True,
           'fetchTickers': True,
           'fetchTime': False,
           'fetchTrades': True,
           'fetchTradingFee': False,
           'fetchTradingFees': False,
           'fetchTradingLimits': False,
           'fetchTransactions': False,
           'fetchWithdrawals': False,
           'loadMarkets': True,
           'privateAPI': True,
           'publicAPI': True,
           'signIn': False,
           'withdraw': True},
   'hasWeb3': <function Exchange.has_web3 at 0x0000026C26396310>,
   'headers': {},
   'id': 'liquid',
   'implodeParams': <function Exchange.implode_params at 0x0000026C2638F4C0>,
   'inArray': <function Exchange.in_array at 0x0000026C2638F310>,
   'indexBy': <function Exchange.index_by at 0x0000026C2638F160>,
   'integerDivide': <function Exchange.integer_divide at 0x0000026C26396E50>,
   'integerModulo': <function Exchange.integer_modulo at 0x0000026C26396F70>,
   'integerPow': <function Exchange.integer_pow at 0x0000026C26396EE0>,
   'isEmpty': <function Exchange.is_empty at 0x0000026C2638F3A0>,
   'isJsonEncodedObject': <function Exchange.is_json_encoded_object at 0x0000026C26390AF0>,
   'keyExists': <function Exchange.key_exists at 0x0000026C2638CEE0>,
   'lastHttpResponse': None,
   'lastJsonResponse': None,
   'lastResponseHeaders': None,
   'limits': {'amount': {'max': None, 'min': None},
              'cost': {'max': None, 'min': None},
              'price': {'max': None, 'min': None}},
   'loadedFees': {'funding': {'deposit': {}, 'withdraw': {}},
                  'trading': {'percentage': True}},
   'logger': <Logger (WARNING)>,
   'marketsById': None,
   'name': 'Liquid',
   'numberToBE': <function Exchange.number_to_be at 0x0000026C26396CA0>,
   'numberToLE': <function Exchange.number_to_le at 0x0000026C26396C10>,
   'numberToString': <function number_to_string at 0x0000026C25EA11F0>,
   'number_to_string': <function number_to_string at 0x0000026C25EA11F0>,
   'ohlcvs': {},
   'options': {'cancelOrderException': True},
   'orderbooks': {},
   'origin': 'd347f43b-275e-459f-b5a5-3809e6bf137d',
   'parseDate': <function Exchange.parse_date at 0x0000026C26390160>,
   'parseTimeframe': <function Exchange.parse_timeframe at 0x0000026C26395040>,
   'precision': {},
   'precisionMode': 4,
   'quoteCurrencies': None,
   'rateLimit': 1000,
   'remove0xPrefix': <function Exchange.remove0x_prefix at 0x0000026C26396790>,
   'roundTimeframe': <function Exchange.round_timeframe at 0x0000026C263950D0>,
   'safeEither': <function Exchange.safe_either at 0x0000026C2638E8B0>,
   'safeFloat': <function Exchange.safe_float at 0x0000026C2638CF70>,
   'safeFloat2': <function Exchange.safe_float_2 at 0x0000026C2638E430>,
   'safeInteger': <function Exchange.safe_integer at 0x0000026C2638E1F0>,
   'safeInteger2': <function Exchange.safe_integer_2 at 0x0000026C2638E670>,
   'safeIntegerProduct': <function Exchange.safe_integer_product at 0x0000026C2638E280>,
   'safeIntegerProduct2': <function Exchange.safe_integer_product_2 at 0x0000026C2638E700>,
   'safeString': <function Exchange.safe_string at 0x0000026C2638E040>,
   'safeString2': <function Exchange.safe_string_2 at 0x0000026C2638E4C0>,
   'safeStringLower': <function Exchange.safe_string_lower at 0x0000026C2638E0D0>,
   'safeStringLower2': <function Exchange.safe_string_lower_2 at 0x0000026C2638E550>,
   'safeStringUpper': <function Exchange.safe_string_upper at 0x0000026C2638E160>,
   'safeStringUpper2': <function Exchange.safe_string_upper_2 at 0x0000026C2638E5E0>,
   'safeTimestamp': <function Exchange.safe_timestamp at 0x0000026C2638E310>,
   'safeTimestamp2': <function Exchange.safe_timestamp_2 at 0x0000026C2638E790>,
   'safeValue': <function Exchange.safe_value at 0x0000026C2638E3A0>,
   'safeValue2': <function Exchange.safe_value_2 at 0x0000026C2638E820>,
   'session': <requests.sessions.Session object at 0x0000026C25914850>,
   'sortBy': <function Exchange.sort_by at 0x0000026C2638F1F0>,
   'stringToBase64': <function Exchange.string_to_base64 at 0x0000026C26390670>,
   'tickers': {},
   'toArray': <function Exchange.to_array at 0x0000026C26390CA0>,
   'toWei': <function Exchange.to_wei at 0x0000026C263964C0>,
   'tokenBucket': {'capacity': 1.0,
                   'defaultCost': 1.0,
                   'delay': 0.001,
                   'refillRate': 0.001},
   'trades': {},
   'transactions': {},
   'truncateToString': <function Exchange.truncate_to_string at 0x0000026C2638E9D0>,
   'urlencodeWithArrayRepeat': <function Exchange.urlencode_with_array_repeat at 0x0000026C2638F5E0>,
   'urls': {'api': '',
            'doc': [''],
            'fees': '',
            'logo': '',
            'referral': '',
            'www': ''},
   'userAgent': 'python-requests/2.24.0',
   'version': '2'}),
 ('__dir__', <built-in method __dir__ of liquid object at 0x0000026C25DF3130>),
 ('__doc__', None),
 ('__eq__', <method-wrapper '__eq__' of liquid object at 0x0000026C25DF3130>),
  <built-in method __format__ of liquid object at 0x0000026C25DF3130>),
 ('__ge__', <method-wrapper '__ge__' of liquid object at 0x0000026C25DF3130>),
  <method-wrapper '__getattribute__' of liquid object at 0x0000026C25DF3130>),
 ('__gt__', <method-wrapper '__gt__' of liquid object at 0x0000026C25DF3130>),
  <method-wrapper '__hash__' of liquid object at 0x0000026C25DF3130>),
 ('__init__', <bound method Exchange.__init__ of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <built-in method __init_subclass__ of type object at 0x0000026C23C57320>),
 ('__le__', <method-wrapper '__le__' of liquid object at 0x0000026C25DF3130>),
 ('__lt__', <method-wrapper '__lt__' of liquid object at 0x0000026C25DF3130>),
 ('__module__', 'ccxt.liquid'),
 ('__ne__', <method-wrapper '__ne__' of liquid object at 0x0000026C25DF3130>),
 ('__new__', <built-in method __new__ of type object at 0x00007FFDF50FCB50>),
  <built-in method __reduce__ of liquid object at 0x0000026C25DF3130>),
  <built-in method __reduce_ex__ of liquid object at 0x0000026C25DF3130>),
 ('__repr__', <bound method Exchange.__repr__ of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <method-wrapper '__setattr__' of liquid object at 0x0000026C25DF3130>),
  <built-in method __sizeof__ of liquid object at 0x0000026C25DF3130>),
 ('__str__', <bound method Exchange.__str__ of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <built-in method __subclasshook__ of type object at 0x0000026C23C57320>),
 ('__weakref__', None),
 ('account', <bound method Exchange.account of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('accounts', None),
 ('aggregate', <function Exchange.aggregate at 0x0000026C2638FA60>),
 ('aiohttpProxy', None),
 ('aiohttpTrustEnv', False),
 ('aiohttp_proxy', None),
 ('aiohttp_trust_env', False),
  <bound method Exchange.amount_to_precision of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.amount_to_precision of ccxt.liquid()>),
  {'private': {'get': ['accounts',
               'post': ['crypto_withdrawals',
               'put': ['crypto_withdrawal/{id}/cancel',
   'public': {'get': ['currencies',
 ('apiKey', ''),
 ('arrayConcat', <function Exchange.array_concat at 0x0000026C2638F280>),
 ('array_concat', <function Exchange.array_concat at 0x0000026C2638F280>),
 ('asyncioLoop', None),
 ('asyncio_loop', None),
 ('balance', {}),
 ('base16ToBinary', <function Exchange.base16_to_binary at 0x0000026C26396D30>),
  <function Exchange.base16_to_binary at 0x0000026C26396D30>),
 ('base58Decoder', None),
 ('base58Encoder', None),
 ('base58ToBinary', <function Exchange.base58_to_binary at 0x0000026C263970D0>),
 ('base58_decoder', None),
 ('base58_encoder', None),
  <function Exchange.base58_to_binary at 0x0000026C263970D0>),
 ('base64ToBinary', <function Exchange.base64_to_binary at 0x0000026C263905E0>),
 ('base64ToString', <function Exchange.base64_to_string at 0x0000026C26390700>),
  <function Exchange.base64_to_binary at 0x0000026C263905E0>),
  <function Exchange.base64_to_string at 0x0000026C26390700>),
 ('base64urlencode', <function Exchange.base64urlencode at 0x0000026C263904C0>),
 ('baseCurrencies', None),
 ('base_currencies', None),
 ('binaryConcat', <function Exchange.binary_concat at 0x0000026C263903A0>),
  <function Exchange.binary_concat_array at 0x0000026C26390430>),
 ('binaryToBase16', <function Exchange.binary_to_base16 at 0x0000026C26396DC0>),
 ('binaryToBase58', <function Exchange.binary_to_base58 at 0x0000026C26397160>),
 ('binaryToBase64', <function Exchange.binary_to_base64 at 0x0000026C26390550>),
 ('binary_concat', <function Exchange.binary_concat at 0x0000026C263903A0>),
  <function Exchange.binary_concat_array at 0x0000026C26390430>),
  <function Exchange.binary_to_base16 at 0x0000026C26396DC0>),
  <function Exchange.binary_to_base58 at 0x0000026C26397160>),
  <function Exchange.binary_to_base64 at 0x0000026C26390550>),
 ('buildOhlcvc', <bound method Exchange.build_ohlcvc of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('build_ohlcvc', <bound method Exchange.build_ohlcvc of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('calculateFee', <bound method Exchange.calculate_fee of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('calculate_fee', <bound method Exchange.calculate_fee of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('cancelOrder', <bound method liquid.cancel_order of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.cancel_unified_order of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('cancel_order', <bound method liquid.cancel_order of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.cancel_unified_order of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('capitalize', <function Exchange.capitalize at 0x0000026C2638EC10>),
 ('certified', False),
 ('checkAddress', <bound method Exchange.check_address of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.check_required_credentials of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.check_required_dependencies of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('check_address', <bound method Exchange.check_address of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.check_required_credentials of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.check_required_dependencies of ccxt.liquid()>),
  {'BCC': 'BCH',
   'BCHABC': 'BCH',
   'BCHSV': 'BSV',
   'DRK': 'DASH',
   'HOT': 'HOT Token',
   'MIOTA': 'IOTA',
   'WIN': 'WCOIN',
   'XBT': 'BTC'}),
  <bound method Exchange.common_currency_code of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.common_currency_code of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.convert_ohlcv_to_trading_view of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.convert_trading_view_to_ohlcv of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.convert_ohlcv_to_trading_view of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.convert_trading_view_to_ohlcv of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.cost_to_precision of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.cost_to_precision of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('countries', ['JP', 'CN', 'TW']),
  <bound method Exchange.create_limit_buy_order of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.create_limit_order of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.create_limit_sell_order of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.create_market_buy_order of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.create_market_order of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.create_market_sell_order of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('createOrder', <bound method liquid.create_order of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.create_limit_buy_order of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.create_limit_order of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.create_limit_sell_order of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.create_market_buy_order of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.create_market_order of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.create_market_sell_order of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('create_order', <bound method liquid.create_order of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('currencies', {}),
 ('currenciesById', None),
 ('currencies_by_id', None),
 ('currency', <bound method Exchange.currency of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('currencyId', <bound method Exchange.currency_id of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.currency_to_precision of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('currency_id', <bound method Exchange.currency_id of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.currency_to_precision of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('decimalToBytes', <function Exchange.decimal_to_bytes at 0x0000026C26396AF0>),
 ('decimalToPrecision', <function decimal_to_precision at 0x0000026C25EA1160>),
  <function Exchange.decimal_to_bytes at 0x0000026C26396AF0>),
  <function decimal_to_precision at 0x0000026C25EA1160>),
 ('decode', <function Exchange.decode at 0x0000026C26390C10>),
 ('deepExtend', <function Exchange.deep_extend at 0x0000026C2638EE50>),
 ('deep_extend', <function Exchange.deep_extend at 0x0000026C2638EE50>),
  <bound method Exchange.define_rest_api of <class 'ccxt.liquid.liquid'>>),
  <bound method Exchange.define_rest_api of <class 'ccxt.liquid.liquid'>>),
 ('describe', <bound method liquid.describe of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('dmy', <function Exchange.dmy at 0x0000026C2638FF70>),
 ('ecdsa', <function Exchange.ecdsa at 0x0000026C263908B0>),
 ('eddsa', <function Exchange.eddsa at 0x0000026C26390940>),
  <bound method Exchange.edit_limit_buy_order of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('editLimitOrder', <bound method Exchange.edit_limit_order of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.edit_limit_sell_order of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('editOrder', <bound method liquid.edit_order of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.edit_limit_buy_order of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.edit_limit_order of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.edit_limit_sell_order of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('edit_order', <bound method liquid.edit_order of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('enableLastHttpResponse', True),
 ('enableLastJsonResponse', True),
 ('enableLastResponseHeaders', True),
 ('enableRateLimit', False),
 ('encode', <function Exchange.encode at 0x0000026C26390B80>),
  <function Exchange.encode_uri_component at 0x0000026C2638F700>),
  <function Exchange.encode_uri_component at 0x0000026C2638F700>),
  {'API Authentication failed': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.AuthenticationError'>,
   'API rate limit exceeded. Please retry after 300s': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.DDoSProtection'>,
   'Can not update non-live order': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.OrderNotFound'>,
   'Can not update partially filled order': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.InvalidOrder'>,
   'Nonce is too small': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.InvalidNonce'>,
   'Order not found': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.OrderNotFound'>,
   'less_than_order_size': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.InvalidOrder'>,
   'must_be_positive': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.InvalidOrder'>,
   'not_enough_free_balance': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.InsufficientFunds'>,
   'price_too_high': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.InvalidOrder'>,
   'price_too_small': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.InvalidOrder'>}),
 ('extend', <function Exchange.extend at 0x0000026C2638EDC0>),
 ('extractParams', <function Exchange.extract_params at 0x0000026C2638F430>),
 ('extract_params', <function Exchange.extract_params at 0x0000026C2638F430>),
 ('feeToPrecision', <bound method Exchange.fee_to_precision of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.fee_to_precision of ccxt.liquid()>),
  {'funding': {'deposit': {}, 'withdraw': {}},
   'trading': {'maker': 0.0,
               'percentage': True,
               'taker': 0.0015,
               'tierBased': True,
               'tiers': {'perpetual': {'maker': [[0, 0.0],
                                                 [25000, 0.0],
                                                 [50000, -0.00025],
                                                 [100000, -0.00025],
                                                 [1000000, -0.00025],
                                                 [10000000, -0.00025],
                                                 [25000000, -0.00025],
                                                 [50000000, -0.00025],
                                                 [75000000, -0.00025],
                                                 [100000000, -0.00025],
                                                 [200000000, -0.00025],
                                                 [300000000, -0.00025]],
                                       'taker': [[0, 0.0006],
                                                 [25000, 0.000575],
                                                 [50000, 0.00055],
                                                 [100000, 0.000525],
                                                 [1000000, 0.0005],
                                                 [10000000, 0.000475],
                                                 [25000000, 0.00045],
                                                 [50000000, 0.000425],
                                                 [75000000, 0.0004],
                                                 [100000000, 0.000375],
                                                 [200000000, 0.00035],
                                                 [300000000, 0.000325]]},
                         'spot': {'maker': [[0, 0.0],
                                            [10000, 0.0015],
                                            [20000, 0.14],
                                            [50000, 0.13],
                                            [100000, 0.08],
                                            [1000000, 0.0004],
                                            [5000000, 0.00035],
                                            [10000000, 0.00025],
                                            [25000000, 0.0],
                                            [50000000, 0.0],
                                            [100000000, 0.0],
                                            [200000000, 0.0]],
                                  'taker': [[0, 0.0015],
                                            [10000, 0.0015],
                                            [20000, 0.0014],
                                            [50000, 0.0013],
                                            [100000, 0.001],
                                            [1000000, 0.0008],
                                            [5000000, 0.0006],
                                            [10000000, 0.0005],
                                            [25000000, 0.0005],
                                            [50000000, 0.00045],
                                            [100000000, 0.0004],
                                            [200000000, 0.0003]]}}}}),
 ('fetch', <bound method Exchange.fetch of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('fetch2', <bound method Exchange.fetch2 of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('fetchBalance', <bound method liquid.fetch_balance of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('fetchBidsAsks', <bound method Exchange.fetch_bids_asks of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method liquid.fetch_closed_orders of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('fetchCurrencies', <bound method liquid.fetch_currencies of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.fetch_deposit_address of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('fetchDeposits', <bound method Exchange.fetch_deposits of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('fetchFees', <bound method Exchange.fetch_fees of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.fetch_free_balance of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.fetch_funding_fee of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.fetch_funding_fees of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.fetch_l2_order_book of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('fetchMarkets', <bound method liquid.fetch_markets of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('fetchMyTrades', <bound method liquid.fetch_my_trades of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('fetchOHLCV', <bound method Exchange.fetch_ohlcv of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('fetchOhlcvc', <bound method Exchange.fetch_ohlcvc of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('fetchOpenOrders', <bound method liquid.fetch_open_orders of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('fetchOrder', <bound method liquid.fetch_order of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('fetchOrderBook', <bound method liquid.fetch_order_book of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.fetch_order_status of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.fetch_order_trades of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('fetchOrders', <bound method liquid.fetch_orders of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.fetch_partial_balance of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('fetchStatus', <bound method Exchange.fetch_status of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('fetchTicker', <bound method liquid.fetch_ticker of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('fetchTickers', <bound method liquid.fetch_tickers of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.fetch_total_balance of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('fetchTrades', <bound method liquid.fetch_trades of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.fetch_trading_fee of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.fetch_trading_fees of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.fetch_transactions of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.fetch_unified_order of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.fetch_used_balance of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.fetch_withdrawals of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('fetch_balance', <bound method liquid.fetch_balance of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('fetch_bids_asks', <bound method Exchange.fetch_bids_asks of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method liquid.fetch_closed_orders of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('fetch_currencies', <bound method liquid.fetch_currencies of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.fetch_deposit_address of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('fetch_deposits', <bound method Exchange.fetch_deposits of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('fetch_fees', <bound method Exchange.fetch_fees of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.fetch_free_balance of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.fetch_funding_fee of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.fetch_funding_fees of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.fetch_l2_order_book of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('fetch_markets', <bound method liquid.fetch_markets of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('fetch_my_trades', <bound method liquid.fetch_my_trades of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('fetch_ohlcv', <bound method Exchange.fetch_ohlcv of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('fetch_ohlcvc', <bound method Exchange.fetch_ohlcvc of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method liquid.fetch_open_orders of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('fetch_order', <bound method liquid.fetch_order of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('fetch_order_book', <bound method liquid.fetch_order_book of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.fetch_order_status of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.fetch_order_trades of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('fetch_orders', <bound method liquid.fetch_orders of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.fetch_partial_balance of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('fetch_status', <bound method Exchange.fetch_status of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('fetch_ticker', <bound method liquid.fetch_ticker of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('fetch_tickers', <bound method liquid.fetch_tickers of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.fetch_total_balance of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('fetch_trades', <bound method liquid.fetch_trades of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.fetch_trading_fee of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.fetch_trading_fees of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.fetch_transactions of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.fetch_unified_order of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.fetch_used_balance of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.fetch_withdrawals of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('filterBy', <function Exchange.filter_by at 0x0000026C2638EEE0>),
 ('filterByArray', <bound method Exchange.filter_by_array of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.filter_by_currency_since_limit of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.filter_by_since_limit of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('filterBySymbol', <bound method Exchange.filter_by_symbol of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.filter_by_symbol_since_limit of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.filter_by_value_since_limit of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('filter_by', <function Exchange.filter_by at 0x0000026C2638EEE0>),
 ('filter_by_array', <bound method Exchange.filter_by_array of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.filter_by_currency_since_limit of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.filter_by_since_limit of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.filter_by_symbol of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.filter_by_symbol_since_limit of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.filter_by_value_since_limit of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.find_broadly_matched_key of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.find_broadly_matched_key of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('fromWei', <function Exchange.from_wei at 0x0000026C26396430>),
 ('from_wei', <function Exchange.from_wei at 0x0000026C26396430>),
 ('groupBy', <function Exchange.group_by at 0x0000026C2638F040>),
 ('group_by', <function Exchange.group_by at 0x0000026C2638F040>),
 ('gzipDeflate', <function Exchange.gzip_deflate at 0x0000026C2638C790>),
 ('gzip_deflate', <function Exchange.gzip_deflate at 0x0000026C2638C790>),
 ('handleErrors', <bound method liquid.handle_errors of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.handle_http_status_code of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('handle_errors', <bound method liquid.handle_errors of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.handle_http_status_code of ccxt.liquid()>),
  {'CORS': False,
   'cancelAllOrders': False,
   'cancelOrder': True,
   'cancelOrders': False,
   'createDepositAddress': False,
   'createLimitOrder': True,
   'createMarketOrder': True,
   'createOrder': True,
   'deposit': False,
   'editOrder': True,
   'fetchBalance': True,
   'fetchClosedOrders': True,
   'fetchCurrencies': True,
   'fetchDepositAddress': False,
   'fetchDeposits': False,
   'fetchFundingFee': False,
   'fetchFundingFees': False,
   'fetchL2OrderBook': True,
   'fetchLedger': False,
   'fetchMarkets': True,
   'fetchMyTrades': True,
   'fetchOHLCV': 'emulated',
   'fetchOpenOrders': True,
   'fetchOrder': True,
   'fetchOrderBook': True,
   'fetchOrderBooks': False,
   'fetchOrderTrades': False,
   'fetchOrders': True,
   'fetchStatus': 'emulated',
   'fetchTicker': True,
   'fetchTickers': True,
   'fetchTime': False,
   'fetchTrades': True,
   'fetchTradingFee': False,
   'fetchTradingFees': False,
   'fetchTradingLimits': False,
   'fetchTransactions': False,
   'fetchWithdrawals': False,
   'loadMarkets': True,
   'privateAPI': True,
   'publicAPI': True,
   'signIn': False,
   'withdraw': True}),
 ('hasWeb3', <function Exchange.has_web3 at 0x0000026C26396310>),
 ('has_web3', <function Exchange.has_web3 at 0x0000026C26396310>),
 ('hash', <function Exchange.hash at 0x0000026C26390280>),
 ('hashMessage', <bound method Exchange.hashMessage of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('headers', {}),
 ('hmac', <function Exchange.hmac at 0x0000026C26390310>),
 ('hostname', None),
  {'400': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.ExchangeNotAvailable'>,
   '401': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.AuthenticationError'>,
   '403': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.ExchangeNotAvailable'>,
   '404': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.ExchangeNotAvailable'>,
   '405': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.ExchangeNotAvailable'>,
   '408': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.RequestTimeout'>,
   '409': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.ExchangeNotAvailable'>,
   '410': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.ExchangeNotAvailable'>,
   '418': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.DDoSProtection'>,
   '422': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.ExchangeError'>,
   '429': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.RateLimitExceeded'>,
   '500': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.ExchangeNotAvailable'>,
   '501': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.ExchangeNotAvailable'>,
   '502': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.ExchangeNotAvailable'>,
   '503': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.ExchangeNotAvailable'>,
   '504': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.RequestTimeout'>,
   '511': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.AuthenticationError'>,
   '520': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.ExchangeNotAvailable'>,
   '521': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.ExchangeNotAvailable'>,
   '522': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.ExchangeNotAvailable'>,
   '525': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.ExchangeNotAvailable'>,
   '526': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.ExchangeNotAvailable'>,
   '530': <class 'ccxt.base.errors.ExchangeNotAvailable'>}),
 ('id', 'liquid'),
 ('ids', None),
 ('implodeParams', <function Exchange.implode_params at 0x0000026C2638F4C0>),
 ('implode_params', <function Exchange.implode_params at 0x0000026C2638F4C0>),
 ('inArray', <function Exchange.in_array at 0x0000026C2638F310>),
 ('in_array', <function Exchange.in_array at 0x0000026C2638F310>),
 ('indexBy', <function Exchange.index_by at 0x0000026C2638F160>),
 ('index_by', <function Exchange.index_by at 0x0000026C2638F160>),
 ('integerDivide', <function Exchange.integer_divide at 0x0000026C26396E50>),
 ('integerModulo', <function Exchange.integer_modulo at 0x0000026C26396F70>),
 ('integerPow', <function Exchange.integer_pow at 0x0000026C26396EE0>),
 ('integer_divide', <function Exchange.integer_divide at 0x0000026C26396E50>),
 ('integer_modulo', <function Exchange.integer_modulo at 0x0000026C26396F70>),
 ('integer_pow', <function Exchange.integer_pow at 0x0000026C26396EE0>),
 ('isEmpty', <function Exchange.is_empty at 0x0000026C2638F3A0>),
  <function Exchange.is_json_encoded_object at 0x0000026C26390AF0>),
 ('isTextResponse', <bound method Exchange.is_text_response of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('is_empty', <function Exchange.is_empty at 0x0000026C2638F3A0>),
  <function Exchange.is_json_encoded_object at 0x0000026C26390AF0>),
  <bound method Exchange.is_text_response of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('iso8601', <function Exchange.iso8601 at 0x0000026C2638FE50>),
 ('json', <function Exchange.json at 0x0000026C26390A60>),
 ('jwt', <function Exchange.jwt at 0x0000026C26390790>),
 ('keyExists', <function Exchange.key_exists at 0x0000026C2638CEE0>),
 ('key_exists', <function Exchange.key_exists at 0x0000026C2638CEE0>),
 ('keysort', <function Exchange.keysort at 0x0000026C2638ED30>),
 ('lastHttpResponse', None),
 ('lastJsonResponse', None),
 ('lastResponseHeaders', None),
 ('lastRestPollTimestamp', 0),
 ('lastRestRequestTimestamp', 0),
 ('last_http_response', None),
 ('last_json_response', None),
 ('last_response_headers', None),
  {'amount': {'max': None, 'min': None},
   'cost': {'max': None, 'min': None},
   'price': {'max': None, 'min': None}}),
 ('loadAccounts', <bound method Exchange.load_accounts of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('loadFees', <bound method Exchange.load_fees of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('loadMarkets', <bound method Exchange.load_markets of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.load_trading_limits of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('load_accounts', <bound method Exchange.load_accounts of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('load_fees', <bound method Exchange.load_fees of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('load_markets', <bound method Exchange.load_markets of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.load_trading_limits of ccxt.liquid()>),
  {'funding': {'deposit': {}, 'withdraw': {}},
   'trading': {'percentage': True}}),
  {'funding': {'deposit': {}, 'withdraw': {}},
   'trading': {'percentage': True}}),
 ('logger', <Logger (WARNING)>),
 ('market', <bound method of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('marketId', <bound method Exchange.market_id of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('marketIds', <bound method Exchange.market_ids of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('market_id', <bound method Exchange.market_id of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('market_ids', <bound method Exchange.market_ids of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('markets', None),
 ('marketsById', None),
 ('markets_by_id', None),
 ('microseconds', <function Exchange.microseconds at 0x0000026C2638FDC0>),
 ('milliseconds', <function Exchange.milliseconds at 0x0000026C2638FD30>),
 ('minFundingAddressLength', 1),
 ('msec', <function Exchange.msec at 0x0000026C2638FB80>),
 ('myTrades', None),
 ('name', 'Liquid'),
 ('nonce', <bound method liquid.nonce of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('numberToBE', <function Exchange.number_to_be at 0x0000026C26396CA0>),
 ('numberToLE', <function Exchange.number_to_le at 0x0000026C26396C10>),
 ('numberToString', <function number_to_string at 0x0000026C25EA11F0>),
 ('number_to_be', <function Exchange.number_to_be at 0x0000026C26396CA0>),
 ('number_to_le', <function Exchange.number_to_le at 0x0000026C26396C10>),
 ('number_to_string', <function number_to_string at 0x0000026C25EA11F0>),
 ('oath', <bound method Exchange.oath of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('ohlcvs', {}),
 ('omit', <function Exchange.omit at 0x0000026C2638F790>),
 ('onRestResponse', <bound method Exchange.on_rest_response of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.on_rest_response of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('options', {'cancelOrderException': True}),
 ('orderbooks', {}),
 ('ordered', <function Exchange.ordered at 0x0000026C2638F9D0>),
 ('orders', None),
 ('origin', 'd347f43b-275e-459f-b5a5-3809e6bf137d'),
 ('paddingMode', 5),
 ('parse8601', <function Exchange.parse8601 at 0x0000026C263901F0>),
 ('parseBalance', <bound method Exchange.parse_balance of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('parseBidAsk', <bound method Exchange.parse_bid_ask of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('parseBidsAsks', <bound method Exchange.parse_bids_asks of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('parseDate', <function Exchange.parse_date at 0x0000026C26390160>),
 ('parseJson', <bound method Exchange.parse_json of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('parseJsonResponse', True),
 ('parseLedger', <bound method Exchange.parse_ledger of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('parseOHLCV', <bound method Exchange.parse_ohlcv of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('parseOhlcvs', <bound method Exchange.parse_ohlcvs of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('parseOrder', <bound method liquid.parse_order of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('parseOrderBook', <bound method Exchange.parse_order_book of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method liquid.parse_order_status of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('parseOrders', <bound method Exchange.parse_orders of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('parseTicker', <bound method liquid.parse_ticker of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('parseTimeframe', <function Exchange.parse_timeframe at 0x0000026C26395040>),
 ('parseTrade', <bound method liquid.parse_trade of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('parseTrades', <bound method Exchange.parse_trades of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.parse_trading_view_ohlcv of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('parseTransaction', <bound method liquid.parse_transaction of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method liquid.parse_transaction_status of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.parse_transactions of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('parse_balance', <bound method Exchange.parse_balance of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('parse_bid_ask', <bound method Exchange.parse_bid_ask of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('parse_bids_asks', <bound method Exchange.parse_bids_asks of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('parse_date', <function Exchange.parse_date at 0x0000026C26390160>),
 ('parse_json', <bound method Exchange.parse_json of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('parse_ledger', <bound method Exchange.parse_ledger of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('parse_ohlcv', <bound method Exchange.parse_ohlcv of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('parse_ohlcvs', <bound method Exchange.parse_ohlcvs of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('parse_order', <bound method liquid.parse_order of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.parse_order_book of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method liquid.parse_order_status of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('parse_orders', <bound method Exchange.parse_orders of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('parse_ticker', <bound method liquid.parse_ticker of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('parse_timeframe', <function Exchange.parse_timeframe at 0x0000026C26395040>),
 ('parse_trade', <bound method liquid.parse_trade of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('parse_trades', <bound method Exchange.parse_trades of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.parse_trading_view_ohlcv of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method liquid.parse_transaction of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method liquid.parse_transaction_status of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.parse_transactions of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('password', ''),
 ('pluck', <function Exchange.pluck at 0x0000026C2638F8B0>),
 ('precision', {}),
  <bound method Exchange.precision_from_string of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('precisionMode', 4),
  <bound method Exchange.precision_from_string of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.prepare_request_headers of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.prepare_request_headers of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.price_to_precision of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.price_to_precision of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('print', <bound method Exchange.print of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('privateGetAccounts', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('privateGetAccountsId', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('privateGetCryptoAccounts', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('privateGetExecutionsMe', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('privateGetFiatAccounts', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('privateGetFundInfos', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('privateGetLoanBids', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('privateGetLoans', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('privateGetOrders', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('privateGetOrdersId', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('privateGetOrdersIdTrades', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('privateGetTrades', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('privateGetTradesIdLoans', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('privateGetTransactions', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('privateGetWithdrawals', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('privateKey', ''),
  <bound method Exchange.privateKeyToAddress of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('privatePostFiatAccounts', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('privatePostFundInfos', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('privatePostLoanBids', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('privatePostOrders', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('privatePostWithdrawals', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('privatePutLoansId', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('privatePutOrdersId', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('privatePutOrdersIdCancel', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('privatePutTradesCloseAll', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('privatePutTradesId', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('privatePutTradesIdClose', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('private_get_accounts', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('private_get_accounts_id', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('private_get_fund_infos', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('private_get_loan_bids', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('private_get_loans', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('private_get_orders', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('private_get_orders_id', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('private_get_trades', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('private_get_transactions', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('private_get_withdrawals', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('private_post_fund_infos', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('private_post_loan_bids', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('private_post_orders', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('private_post_withdrawals', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('private_put_loans_id', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('private_put_orders_id', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('private_put_trades_id', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('pro', False),
 ('proxies', None),
 ('proxy', ''),
 ('publicGetCurrencies', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('publicGetExecutions', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('publicGetFees', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('publicGetProducts', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('publicGetProductsId', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('public_get_currencies', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('public_get_executions', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('public_get_fees', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('public_get_products', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('public_get_products_id', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('quoteCurrencies', None),
 ('quote_currencies', None),
 ('rateLimit', 1000),
 ('rateLimitMaxTokens', 16),
 ('rateLimitTokens', 16),
 ('rateLimitUpdateTime', 0),
 ('rawencode', <function Exchange.rawencode at 0x0000026C2638F670>),
 ('remove0xPrefix', <function Exchange.remove0x_prefix at 0x0000026C26396790>),
 ('remove0x_prefix', <function Exchange.remove0x_prefix at 0x0000026C26396790>),
 ('request', <bound method Exchange.request of ccxt.liquid()>),
  {'apiKey': True,
   'login': False,
   'password': False,
   'privateKey': False,
   'secret': True,
   'token': False,
   'twofa': False,
   'uid': False,
   'walletAddress': False}),
 ('requiresEddsa', False),
 ('requiresWeb3', False),
 ('restPollerLoopIsRunning', False),
 ('restRequestQueue', None),
 ('rfc2616', <function Exchange.rfc2616 at 0x0000026C2638FEE0>),
 ('roundTimeframe', <function Exchange.round_timeframe at 0x0000026C263950D0>),
 ('round_timeframe', <function Exchange.round_timeframe at 0x0000026C263950D0>),
 ('rsa', <function Exchange.rsa at 0x0000026C26390820>),
 ('safeCurrency', <bound method Exchange.safe_currency of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.safe_currency_code of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('safeEither', <function Exchange.safe_either at 0x0000026C2638E8B0>),
 ('safeFloat', <function Exchange.safe_float at 0x0000026C2638CF70>),
 ('safeFloat2', <function Exchange.safe_float_2 at 0x0000026C2638E430>),
 ('safeInteger', <function Exchange.safe_integer at 0x0000026C2638E1F0>),
 ('safeInteger2', <function Exchange.safe_integer_2 at 0x0000026C2638E670>),
  <function Exchange.safe_integer_product at 0x0000026C2638E280>),
  <function Exchange.safe_integer_product_2 at 0x0000026C2638E700>),
 ('safeMarket', <bound method Exchange.safe_market of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('safeString', <function Exchange.safe_string at 0x0000026C2638E040>),
 ('safeString2', <function Exchange.safe_string_2 at 0x0000026C2638E4C0>),
  <function Exchange.safe_string_lower at 0x0000026C2638E0D0>),
  <function Exchange.safe_string_lower_2 at 0x0000026C2638E550>),
  <function Exchange.safe_string_upper at 0x0000026C2638E160>),
  <function Exchange.safe_string_upper_2 at 0x0000026C2638E5E0>),
 ('safeSymbol', <bound method Exchange.safe_symbol of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('safeTimestamp', <function Exchange.safe_timestamp at 0x0000026C2638E310>),
 ('safeTimestamp2', <function Exchange.safe_timestamp_2 at 0x0000026C2638E790>),
 ('safeValue', <function Exchange.safe_value at 0x0000026C2638E3A0>),
 ('safeValue2', <function Exchange.safe_value_2 at 0x0000026C2638E820>),
 ('safe_currency', <bound method Exchange.safe_currency of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.safe_currency_code of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('safe_either', <function Exchange.safe_either at 0x0000026C2638E8B0>),
 ('safe_float', <function Exchange.safe_float at 0x0000026C2638CF70>),
 ('safe_float_2', <function Exchange.safe_float_2 at 0x0000026C2638E430>),
 ('safe_integer', <function Exchange.safe_integer at 0x0000026C2638E1F0>),
 ('safe_integer_2', <function Exchange.safe_integer_2 at 0x0000026C2638E670>),
  <function Exchange.safe_integer_product at 0x0000026C2638E280>),
  <function Exchange.safe_integer_product_2 at 0x0000026C2638E700>),
 ('safe_market', <bound method Exchange.safe_market of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('safe_string', <function Exchange.safe_string at 0x0000026C2638E040>),
 ('safe_string_2', <function Exchange.safe_string_2 at 0x0000026C2638E4C0>),
  <function Exchange.safe_string_lower at 0x0000026C2638E0D0>),
  <function Exchange.safe_string_lower_2 at 0x0000026C2638E550>),
  <function Exchange.safe_string_upper at 0x0000026C2638E160>),
  <function Exchange.safe_string_upper_2 at 0x0000026C2638E5E0>),
 ('safe_symbol', <bound method Exchange.safe_symbol of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('safe_timestamp', <function Exchange.safe_timestamp at 0x0000026C2638E310>),
  <function Exchange.safe_timestamp_2 at 0x0000026C2638E790>),
 ('safe_value', <function Exchange.safe_value at 0x0000026C2638E3A0>),
 ('safe_value_2', <function Exchange.safe_value_2 at 0x0000026C2638E820>),
 ('sec', <function Exchange.sec at 0x0000026C2638FAF0>),
 ('seconds', <function Exchange.seconds at 0x0000026C2638FCA0>),
 ('secret', ''),
 ('session', <requests.sessions.Session object at 0x0000026C25914850>),
 ('setHeaders', <bound method Exchange.set_headers of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('setMarkets', <bound method Exchange.set_markets of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('setSandboxMode', <bound method Exchange.set_sandbox_mode of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('set_headers', <bound method Exchange.set_headers of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('set_markets', <bound method Exchange.set_markets of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.set_sandbox_mode of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('sign', <bound method liquid.sign of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('signHash', <function Exchange.signHash at 0x0000026C263968B0>),
 ('signMessage', <bound method Exchange.signMessage of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.sign_message_string of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.sign_message_string of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('sleep', <bound method Exchange.sleep of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('soliditySha3', <bound method Exchange.soliditySha3 of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('solidityTypes', <bound method Exchange.solidityTypes of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('solidityValues', <bound method Exchange.solidityValues of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('sortBy', <function Exchange.sort_by at 0x0000026C2638F1F0>),
 ('sort_by', <function Exchange.sort_by at 0x0000026C2638F1F0>),
 ('status', {'eta': None, 'status': 'ok', 'updated': None, 'url': None}),
 ('stringToBase64', <function Exchange.string_to_base64 at 0x0000026C26390670>),
  <function Exchange.string_to_base64 at 0x0000026C26390670>),
 ('strip', <function Exchange.strip at 0x0000026C2638ECA0>),
 ('substituteCommonCurrencyCodes', True),
 ('sum', <function Exchange.sum at 0x0000026C2638F940>),
 ('symbols', None),
 ('throttle', <bound method Exchange.throttle of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.throw_broadly_matched_exception of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.throw_exactly_matched_exception of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.throw_broadly_matched_exception of ccxt.liquid()>),
  <bound method Exchange.throw_exactly_matched_exception of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('tickers', {}),
 ('timeframes', None),
 ('timeout', 10000),
 ('toArray', <function Exchange.to_array at 0x0000026C26390CA0>),
 ('toWei', <function Exchange.to_wei at 0x0000026C263964C0>),
 ('to_array', <function Exchange.to_array at 0x0000026C26390CA0>),
 ('to_wei', <function Exchange.to_wei at 0x0000026C263964C0>),
 ('token', ''),
  {'capacity': 1.0, 'defaultCost': 1.0, 'delay': 0.001, 'refillRate': 0.001}),
 ('totp', <function Exchange.totp at 0x0000026C26396B80>),
 ('trades', {}),
 ('transactions', {}),
 ('truncate', <function Exchange.truncate at 0x0000026C2638E940>),
  <function Exchange.truncate_to_string at 0x0000026C2638E9D0>),
  <function Exchange.truncate_to_string at 0x0000026C2638E9D0>),
 ('twofa', None),
 ('uid', ''),
 ('unique', <function Exchange.unique at 0x0000026C2638F820>),
 ('unjson', <function Exchange.unjson at 0x0000026C263909D0>),
 ('urlencode', <function Exchange.urlencode at 0x0000026C2638F550>),
  <function Exchange.urlencode_with_array_repeat at 0x0000026C2638F5E0>),
  <function Exchange.urlencode_with_array_repeat at 0x0000026C2638F5E0>),
  {'api': '',
   'doc': [''],
   'fees': '',
   'logo': '',
   'referral': '',
   'www': ''}),
 ('usec', <function Exchange.usec at 0x0000026C2638FC10>),
 ('userAgent', 'python-requests/2.24.0'),
  {'chrome': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 '
             '(KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/62.0.3202.94 Safari/537.36',
   'chrome39': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, '
               'like Gecko) Chrome/39.0.2171.71 Safari/537.36'}),
 ('uuid', <function Exchange.uuid at 0x0000026C2638EAF0>),
 ('uuid22', <function Exchange.uuid22 at 0x0000026C2638EA60>),
 ('uuidv1', <function Exchange.uuidv1 at 0x0000026C2638EB80>),
 ('verbose', False),
 ('verify', True),
 ('version', '2'),
 ('vwap', <bound method Exchange.vwap of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('walletAddress', ''),
 ('web3', None),
 ('withdraw', <bound method liquid.withdraw of ccxt.liquid()>),
 ('ymd', <function Exchange.ymd at 0x0000026C26390040>),
 ('ymdhms', <function Exchange.ymdhms at 0x0000026C263900D0>)]

